We facilitate online and/or in-home management essentials workshops for clients that build their home making skills (e.g., sewing, cooking, baking, budgeting, etc.) on a requested basis.

We encourage people to seek and love God by facilitating faith based book studies and principle centered books for individuals and families on an as needed basis.

Our Vision

“But you must say the things that are consistent with sound teaching. Older men are to be level headed, worthy of respect, sensible, and sound in faith, love, and endurance. In the same way, older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to much wine.

They are to teach what is good, so they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that God’s message will not be slandered.”
Titus 2:1-6 (HCSB)

2025 Copyright © TLC Squared Ministries, a registered 501(c)(3) and Colorado Nonprofit.  Tax # 81-5023568  Your donation is fully tax deductible. 

We are based in Denver, Colorado.

TLC Squared Ministries
"Recreating Homes One Family at a Time"

Tax deductible donations are gladly accepted in partnership through the Christian Ministry Alliance (formerly Association of Christian Nonprofits).  To learn more about them click here !

Empowering families through our initiatives
in the Denver Metro area of Colorado and beyond!

We Connect families & individuals with local churches and other family friendly organizations that provide free or low cost education and resources to those seeking assistance in building a healthier and happier home, spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically.

TLC Squared Ministries

"Recreating Homes One Family at a Time"

Have a resource to offer families? Are you a business owner who wants to empower families in your local community? Contact us today to learn how you can partner with TLC Squared and become a Platinum ($3K), Gold ($2K), Silver ($1.5K) or Bronze ($500) annual sponsor today!

All sponsors will have there Logo and link displayed on our website, resource and flyer/publication placed in the Home Care Kits, if applicable, and one annual TLC Squared initiative event publications (You pick from Tea-n-Talk or COMH-Unity Group events) per annual sponsorship.

Not looking to be sponsor, still feel called to support us?  You can still partner with us by donating any amount today from the comfort of your home. You may also mail a check. Make check out to “TLC Squared” with a note stating “Sponsorship”. Mail it to the address, PO Box 621213, Littleton, CO 80162

We endeavor to recreate homes by sharing the Love of Christ through our initiatives of facilitating safe virtual and in-person COMH-Unity Groups, Tea-n-Talks events, Doula Services, One-on-One or Small group Home Economics classes, and One-on-One Biblically sound mentoring opportunities in the Denver Metro area of Colorado and beyond!

Become a Sponsor Today!