What 's in a Home Care Kit?

  • Invitation to attenda COMH-Unity or Tea n' Talk  Event
  • COMH book containing Socorro Gill’s personal PPD testimony and blogs.
  • Leaflet(s) describing Postpartum Depression and Anxiety; What to do if they identify with it and how to get help.
  • Leaflets of information from local partnering organizations for family resources.
  • Handmade baby bib and burp cloth as provided by dedicated volunteers.
  • Notebook Journals
  • Quality Pen
  • Chapstick or lipbalm
  • Individual tissue pack​​

Tax deductible donations are accepted in partnership through the Christian Ministry Alliance (formerly Association of Christian Nonprofits).  To learn more about them click here !

2025 Copyright © TLC Squared Ministries, a registered 501(c)(3) and Colorado Nonprofit.  Tax # 81-5023568  Your donation is fully tax deductible. 

TLC Squared

Re-Creating Homes One Family at a  Time by Sharing the Love of Christ  via Teaching, Loving and Connecting  people​!

 (Please include your mailing address and the subject  HCK to request a Home Care Kit.)

Thank you!

If you received a ​Home Care Kit  from the Confessions of a Mother's Heart (COMH) Ministry, then consider yourself blessed! 

Only a few will be given each year.  

Goals of COMH Home Care Kits:

Raise positive awareness of Postpartum Depression (PPD) and Anxiety in the local community and to provide peer-to-peer mentoring opportunities for women that facilitate healthy relationships and the hope of recovery.

Home Care Kit (HCK)  - HCKs are part of the Confessions of a Mother's Heart Ministry by Socorro Gill.  They are given to new moms and continuing moms on an as needed basis or when the opportunity presents itself.